Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Boarding Furkids have their share of Gong Xi..

This festive season.. the check in Furkids are absolutely lovely... I dont know how they adapt and where they came from.. diverse culture, family and of course ranking as well...
However all live within the boundary and have good time with us during their time here... Some pictures for their masters... and caught in act too!

This is Roxy, her size is too big in my central so she was sent to Telipok my hometown.. she enjoy better there with large field and spacious compound.

This is Ah B... he is a fox terrier and very attached to his owner... he has been quiet for the matter of fact, he misses the owner so much...

This is Maggie... she is not super pretty but she is very intellectual... she understand the protocol of puppy central.. Pee & poo on the right place... and even sit on the CHAIR... She is like a class monitor....

This is Momok.. he is the smallest here but yet the loudest i would say.. D Chihuahua is always have their own ways to get out of something... He is very pampered here.. he get to stay on top of everything.. because he is small... He even want to get on top of Rusty...Wrong target i suppose..

This is Money.... She is famous in Puppy Central... she is like Happy Feet... No worries tomorrow is another day kind of furkid...

Some Play time, Snack time and nap time as well....

We will be officially off on the 25th,26th and 27th February ...

May all furkids a happy meeting with their owners!

The First Rottweiler In Puppy Central

We usually dont train Guard Dog... especially the aggresive nature kind like Rottweiler, Doberman,German Shepherd or even Chow Chow..

However due to the demand, i ve decided to give it a try for my learning experience, CHOKE... Choke is a Purebreed Rottweiler but has got a very averse behavior.. he is submissive, friendly ( for now) and very responsive... After a few trial of command on him... i ve decided to conduct a full course on him....

Choke is very submissive and adorable... which i m absolutely surprise with his fourth training lesson, he has master the SIT-STAY command.....

Monday, February 8, 2010

Happy Chinese Lunar New Year!

Dear Valued customers and friends....

In less then a week time Chinese New Year is coming. Our Pet Inn is fully reserved and all team members a geared up to take care of your lovely furkids....

Taking this Oppurtunity.. we wish you

" Happy Tiger Roaring Year; May the Tiger be the Lion king! and the Tigeress be the Super Hot Lion Queen!"
~Gong Xi Fa Cai ~